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Uganda Primate Tracking Safari Experience

Uganda Primate Tracking Safari Experience

Uganda is a premier travel destination for primate tracking enthusiasts. The availability of vast primate species including the rare mountain gorillas is partly why multitudes of tourists travel from far and wide, all year round to visit Uganda, the Pearl of Africa. A typical Uganda Primate Tracking Safari Experience includes the following tour activities;

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Uganda is home to more than half of the remaining mountain gorillas on Earth and many of these live in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is known for many tour activities although Gorilla Trekking is the most notable. Up to 8 people can track a particular gorilla group per day.

In Uganda, each gorilla permit goes for USD 600 during high seasons. Tourists who track mountain gorillas in Bwindi in the low seasons benefit from discounted gorilla tracking permits. Tracking gorillas in Bwindi can be done all year round but most tourists prefer visiting from June to September and from December to February.

Gorilla Tracking in Mgahinga National Park.

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda’s smallest national park and is well known for Gorilla trekking among other tour activities. There is one gorilla family in Mgahinga National Park and it is habituated for tracking. Tourist groups of up to six people in company of a ranger guide can track this habituated gorilla family in a particular session.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale Forest

Uganda Primate Tracking Safari Experience

Kibale Forest is quite popular for Chimpanzee tracking and has got many chimpanzees that visitors get to encounter in their natural habitat. There are about 12 other species of primates in Kibale National Park in addition to chimpanzees which are the main attraction. Some of these primate species include; red-tailed monkeys, the black and white colobus monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabey, blue monkeys, red-tailed monkey, olive baboons among others.

Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale National Park is one of the most exciting and most popular things that tourists like to do while on safari in Uganda and it can be done all year round.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Budongo Forest

3 Days Chimpanzee Tracking Kibale

Budongo Forest is located Northwest of Uganda’s Capital, Kampala and at 825 square kilometers, it  is the largest mahogany forest in East Africa. There are about 600 chimpanzees in Budongo forest and about 100 of those are habituated for tracking.

Tracking the chimpanzees in Budongo forest can be done both in the morning and afternoon. Morning tracking sessions begin at 7:00am with briefing at the information center before heading out with a ranger guide to track the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees in Budongo forest can be tracked any time of the year though the best time to visit would be from May to August.

Golden Monkeys in Mgahinga

goden monkey tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Golden Monkeys are also habituated in Mgahinga National Park and tourists track and stay with them for a period of up to four hours. In order to track the Golden Monkeys, tourists can book through a tour operator in Uganda or at the park headquarters.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Kyambura Gorge

Kyambura Gorge is located in the far eastern corner of Queen Elizabeth National Park in south western Uganda. It is home to a variety of wildlife, including the only primates in the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Besides chimpanzee tracking, other tour activities in Kyambura Gorge include; bird watching, guided nature walks among others.

Book with African Pearl Safaris for the best Uganda Primate Tracking Safari Experience.

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