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Uganda National Parks have got vast species of animals and birds as well as unique features that attract tourists from around the world all year round. Visiting Uganda gives tourists an opportunity to encounter the best of Uganda wildlife as is usually the case with most Uganda Safaris. Animals in Uganda National Parks include; Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Buffaloes, Zebras, Giraffes, Kobs, Hippos among many others including the rare Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Uganda has got 10 National Parks.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: – is one of the most visited Uganda National Parks. Bwindi is an afromontane forest with dense under growth of fern, vines, and shrubs. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is a magnificent verdant swathe of forest across the steep ridges of the Albertine Rift Valley, this 331 sq km ancient rain forest is home to roughly half of the world’s mountain gorillas.

chimpanzee in Kibale Forest

Kibale Forest National Park

With lush tropical rain forest and a fascinating diversity of animals, Kibale Forest National Park is home to one of the most beautiful and stunning natural forests in Uganda. Kibale Forest National Park like Bwindi is one of the most popular Uganda National Parks and is certainly worth protecting as it is home to the largest number (in Uganda) of our closest living relative, the endangered Chimpanzee.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: – Mgahinga forms a portion of the Virunga Volcano conservation area, Its the home of Mountain Gorillas, gorilla movements are affected by the distribution of plant species on which they feed hence this area was gazetted to provide a secure habitat for these massive, but gentle creatures.

Murchison Falls National Park

One of the most spectacular Uganda National Parks and indeed in the Whole of Africa. Here is the awe-inspiring Murchison Falls, where the River Nile hurls itself in appalling convulsions through a narrow crevice and then plunges 40 metres in one breathtaking leap.

Top 5 Tourist Destinations in Uganda

Queen Elizabeth National Park

It is a region of varied habitats including open grassland with thickets, thick bush, forest, swamps and lake shore and a great home of wildlife like Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Buffaloes, and many more. Visit Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. 1,978 square kms, in area and is situated astride the Equator in the Western Rift valley of South West Uganda, close to the Southern most tip of the mist covered Mountains of the Moon.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park

The Rwenzori Mountains lie along the Western border of Uganda and rise to a height of 5100 metres. Here are the legendary mountains of the Moon. Rwenzori Mountains National Park lies on an area of and covers the districts of Kabarole, Kasese and Bundibugyo in Western Uganda. It was designated as a World Heritage site in 1994 which implies that it’s conservation is of both national and regional importance.

Semuliki National Park

Semuliki is a very dense forest and part of the great Ituri Forest that stretches in the the DR. Congo. It is the only park in Uganda composed primarily of tropical lowland forest. Semuliki National Park Uganda is popular for Sempaya hot springs. The park lies on 220 sq Km in Bundibugyo district, on the far side of the northern tail of the Rwenzoris. The Semliki river defines the border with DRC, and several tributaries run through the park.

Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park in Western Uganda is not only special but also unique because you can walk with a park ranger and get very close to the animals. Lake Mburo National Park is truly a special place. It is possible to walk around the park accompanied by a ranger, rather than having to tour in a vehicle, and it is quite possible to get close to Zebras, Warthogs, Impala, Rothschild giraffe, elands, topi and Buffaloes, Water bucks e.t.c.

Kidepo Valley National Park

It is one of the most spectacular parks with a scenery unlike any other in East Africa. Tucked into the corner of Uganda’s boarder with South Sudan and Kenya, the park offers a beautiful Vista of the breathtaking savannah and mountain Landscapes which end in a rugged horizon.

Mount Elgon National Park

This Mount Elgon Hiking Safari takes you to Mount Elgon which has the largest surface area any extinct Volcano has ever had in the world. The mountain rises through a series of gradual slopes punctuated by steep cliffs to a height of 4,321 m above sea level. The volcanic foothills, cliffs, caves gorges and waterfalls combine with panoramic views across wide plains to create some of the most spectacular scenery in Uganda.

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