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Uganda Travel Guide, Uganda Travel Information

Uganda Travel Guide, Uganda Travel Information

You must have heard of the phrase “The Pearl of Africa”, well this was how the famous Winston Churchhill summed up the breathtaking, awesome, evergreen and heavenly country that lies right in the middle of Africa.
Use this Uganda Travel Guide to plan your safari in Uganda. This Uganda Travel Information should help you make the most of your wildlife safari in Uganda.

Uganda Travel Guide, Uganda Travel Information

Like most countries, Uganda’s past wasn’t exactly a bright one, and was characterised by extreme poverty, illiteracy, insecurity but that’s exactly what it is, the past.

Today the country is secure from border to border, and you can even take a walk in the middle of the night without anyone bothering you. The people are the friendliest and most welcoming one can ever meet and they will welcome a stranger with the kind of vigor most people on Earth only show to their loved ones. As Churchhill puts it, Uganda is from end to end one beautiful garden where the staple food of the people grows almost without labour.

Uganda is fully gifted by nature and has got the kind of attractions that you will find almost nowhere else on the entire planet. For example, over 90% of the Mountain Gorillas on Earth live in Uganda and these human-like gentle giants are a force to reckon with. They are as fascinating as they are amazing to encounter. The River Nile, the World’s longest river has its source in Uganda and this river goes all the way up to Egypt.

Wildlife is in abundance and state-of-the-art resorts and safari lodges have been set up over the years near most tourist attractions so that people from around the world can come and witness nature in its purest form.

The economy has also greatly improved and as of today, Uganda ranks as the most entrepreneurial country in the world. In addition, Uganda is Africa’s top exporter of coffee and this continues to improve the country’s economy.

Uganda also ranks as the top English speaking country in the whole of Africa which means that tourists feel very comfortable with engaging the locals in all sorts of conversations mainly about the abundant tourist attractions.

The climate is so favorable all year round that when other countries are freezing with winter, the sun is up in Uganda, and when its too hot in other countries, Uganda is cool. Its as if the country is naturally air conditioned.

According to the latest Quality of Life Survey in the world’s 230 top cities conducted by Mercer, Kampala Uganda’s capital is the best East African capital city to live in. Mercer’s study examines social and economic conditions, terrorism threats, health, education, housing and the environment in making its judgment.

Uganda’s tourism industry is also improving steadily and as late as 2012, Uganda was ranked the top Tourist destination according to Lonely Planet.

Contact us at any moment for inquiries about this Uganda travel guide or any other matters regarding to Uganda Safaris and Tours.

As a tourist, you certainly have your reasons of choosing your next travel destination and these facts about Uganda should help you make up your mind on making that trip. You will be stunned.

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