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Visit Murchison Falls in Uganda

Visit Murchison Falls In Uganda

Visit Murchison Falls in Uganda. Murchison Falls National Park is the largest game park in Uganda and provides a thrill of the vast wild animals with hundreds of antelopes, hartebeests, buffaloes among many others. A trip to Murchison Falls from Kampala takes approximately 4 hours.

Visit Murchison Falls in Uganda

Pakuba Safari Lodge on the western bank of the Albert Nile provides mid range facilities to tourists visiting Murchison Falls National park and is relatively more affordable compared to the likes of Chobe and Paraa Safari Lodges. There are plenty of giraffes roaming the area freely.

The visit to the top of the falls is always exciting, watching the whole of the River Nile pour through a narrow cleft in the rocks. The boat ride to the bottom of the falls gives you the most magical view of the falls up high with large volumes of water gashing through.

This is something you would better see for yourself.
A game drive through the park is as adventurous as it can get as you encounter elephants, lions, kobs, buffaloes among so many wild animals and watching the sun setting on the horizon of Lake Albert is a great highlight of a day’s adventure.

Charges for entrance to Murchison Falls national Park vary. East African adults pay sh10, 000 while Foreigners resident in East Africa pay $25 (sh90, 000). Foreign non-residents pay $35 (sh126, 000) to access the park. Children pay about half of adult fees. A two-hour boat ride costs $32 per person, which is about sh115, 000. Group boat hire lowers the cost.

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