Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is the largest National Park in Uganda, covering an area of nearly 4000 sq Km, and offering some of the most spectacular scenery in the country. The park has a variety of unique habitats and lots of wonderful birds. Birding in Murchison Falls National Park is enhanced by the abundant wildlife, scenic landscape and the spectacular waterfall after which the park is named.
Murchison Falls National Park prides itself in its attractions. It’s vegetation has benefited greatly from reduced grazing pressure and populations of small mammals and birds are healthier than ever. From the park headquarters at Paraa on the southern bank of the Victoria Nile, a stroll through the dry thorn scrub between Red Chilli and the ferry crossing will avail the opportunity of sighting the silver bird, chestnut crowned sparrow weaver, blue naped mousebird among others. This spot is one of the most reliable ones for the localised white-eyed seedeater.
Along the main road of Paraa are nocturnal birds such as; spotted verreau’s eagle owls and a plethora of spectacular nightjas such as plain, long-tailed and pennant winged. Birders who embark on a nocturnal boat trip on the Nile in search of the white-bellied night heron and pel’s fishing owl have a fascinating experience on the longest river in the world. Although the birds roost in dense water side vegetation and are rarely seen during the day, the elusive birds are common in the ample habitat upstream of Paraa.
A trip on the Nile Safari Lodge’s boat guarantees visitors an opportunity to sight the Shoebill stork, an extraordinary bird. The Shoebill share the island with Goliath heron, Grey-Cheeked crane, long toed plover among others. The thick riverine forest in the immediate vicinity of the Nile Safari Lodge is home for the Yellow-throated leaf love and the uncommon red winged grey warbler. These birds may be seen from the balconies of the luxury tents overlooking the river.
Contact us today for the best Uganda Safaris including birding in Murchison Falls National Park.