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Wildlife Safari in Uganda, Uganda Wildlife Safaris

Wildlife Safari In Uganda, Uganda Wildlife Safaris

Plan a wildlife safari in Uganda which in 2012, was ranked as the top tourist destination according to Lonely Planet. This means that of all the countries in the world where wildlife is conserved, Uganda emerged as the most ideal tour destination, guaranteeing maximum satisfaction to whoever made the trip. In 2016, Uganda was again projected among the top tour destinations in the world and this is because in addition to being gifted by nature, Uganda’s wildlife is the purest yet.

There are up to 10 National Parks in this Pearl of Africa and each of these brings own uniqueness in quite a number of ways. The animals are in plenty, the bird species are countless and all these are protected by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Uganda’s climate is so favorable that birds fly in from other countries where they can’t stand the climate there. Going on a game drive deep in the night will give you a whole new insight in the animal world. On a wildlife Safari in Uganda, you can witness the feeding habits, the mating habits, the hunting and so much more in as far as wild animals are concerned.

In some seasons, the National Parks flock with tourists which makes the safari much more fun because you get to make new friends with whom you can share your exhilarating experience in the wild. Binoculars and strong cameras really come in handy while on a game drive as you capture the magical moments. They can also help as you track down the animals from their hiding spots.

Uganda has got quite a number of tour companies which have got the means and capacity to organise and arrange the entire safari for you such that all you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy every bit of it without worrying about accommodation or how to get around. These tour companies are given special rates which makes the safari more affordable as opposed to booking by yourself.

There are quite a number of activities that tourists can engage themselves in while on a wildlife Safari in Uganda Uganda National Parks and for example in Kidepo Valley National Park, tourists can do birding trips which can be done both morning and evening on the fringes of the Narus and Namamukweny Valleys. Bird species include the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Abyssinian Roller, Purple Heron among others. Hiking to the Lomej Mountains can also be done while visiting Kidepo Valley National Park. Murchison Falls National Park has got boat rides as part of the tour activities in addition to sport fishing and cultural encounters. Most National Parks offer tour activities that include, game drives, hiking safaris, boat rides, birding tours among many others.

Accommodation facilities in these National parks are state-of-the-art. Each park has got a number of safari lodges set up and these range according to the budget of the tourists and you will be sure to the value for your money. Roads to these facilities are accessible and in case of being ruined by weather or other factors, the safari vehicles provided by tour companies will still get you there and back safely. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Therefore, book yourself a wildlife Safari in Uganda and remember to come with friends and family.

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