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Lake Katwe | Visiting Lake Katwe Salt Mining Works

Lake Katwe | Visiting Lake Katwe Salt Mining Works

Lake Katwe is found in the western District of Kasese. After Kabatoro village, 5Km ahead on the right are the crater lakes of Katwe and Munyanyange. These provide Katwe inhabitants with their main sources of income: salt mining and fishing. Visiting Lake Katwe salt mining works is a great way to explore Uganda.

The two lakes are outside the park boundaries so it is possible to leave the African Pearl Safaris vehicle. Lake Katwe guides are available to show tourists around and explain the methods by which salt is evaporated and purified. Lake Munyanyange is an alkaline lake and home of the lesser Flamingoes in varying numbers. It is possible to walk around the rim of the lake.

The salt industry of Lake Katwe is over 700 years old and over many centuries has provided local inhabitants with an appropriate source of income. The first written reports of Production came from Speke in 1863 and Grant in 1864, who described the product as perfectly pure in colour and taste.

The main method of salt collection is by evaporation and the rate of production depends on the weather. First the salt garden is prepared, with an area of any size and shape being cleared of grass. In the second stage dry soil is scattered over the wet exposed surface.

The tiny village of Katwe does not have variety of accommodation, however there are few budget facilities. Simple local meals are served in the restaurants operated by the area dwellers. The road beyond Lake Katwe is not in very good condition, and if there are recent rains, a four-wheel drive is the most appropriate. Along the track, visitors can catch sight of Nyamasagani Delta and the Kihabule Forest before one reaches the pelican point.

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