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Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Golden Monkey Tracking In Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is located in the South west where Uganda border’s Rwanda and Congo at a high altitude of between 2,227m and 4,127m and is Uganda’s smallest National Park. In addition to Gorilla Trekking, Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is one of the most popular tour activities in Uganda.

Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

A family of golden monkeys habituated by Uganda Wildlife Authority directorate of conservation is available for tracking. Visitors can now track golden monkeys and stay with them for a period of 4 hours depending on where they nested the previous night and how far it is from the starting point.

The session of Golden Monkey Tracking begins with briefing from the park rangers early morning at the park head quarters and trekkers are put in different groups for the tracking which starts at round 8:00am. The golden monkeys are easier to spot considering that they tend to stay in bamboo sections of the forest not far from the base because they enjoy eating the young bamboo shoots and always move in large numbers.

Golden Monkey tracking permit costs USD50. Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park costs US$100 inclusive of park entry fees. A maximum number of 8 people can track a golden monkey family per day. Bookings for Golden Monkey Tracking can be done through your tour operator, at the headquarters and the national park offices in Kisoro and Ntebeko.

What to bring for Golden Monkey Tracking.

– Lunch Pack
– Water for drinking
– Long sleeved shirts, trousers
– Insect repellent,
– Hiking boots
– Walking stick from the briefing point
– A porter to provide extra support.

Visiting Uganda with African Pearl Safaris is one sure way of experiencing the best that Uganda has to offer in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda’s smallest national park.

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