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Boat Ride along the Albert Nile in Murchison Falls National Park

Boat Ride Along The Albert Nile In Murchison Falls National Park

Our visitors to Murchison Falls National Park are recommended to go on a Boat Ride along the Albert Nile. The boats are either operated by Uganda Wildlife Authority or Wild Frontiers, south of the Albert Nile to the most powerful rush of water anywhere in the world. African Pearl Safaris visitors set off from the northern end of the Albert Nile at Paraa. It’s cheaper if the launch trip is organised for a group.

The times of the launch trips vary at 9am and 2pm daily and it takes three hours; two hours with stop overs during guided tours and one hour return to starting point. During this launch trip, there is a guide who always shares knowledge about the Flora and Fauna along the Delta.

Boat Ride along the Albert Nile in Murchison Falls National Park

Animals such as hippos and huge Nile River crocodiles are a must see. There is also a better chance of spotting the African elephant and primates on the river banks. The bird life is rich and visitors are able to sight them at close quarters.

The best time for birders is a morning cruise along the delta which provides the best opportunity of viewing the elusive Shoebill stork. Birding often takes a 5 hour round trip with other chances of sighting the land mammals on the river banks. For visitors interested in a sun downer, it is best at 5.30pm and offers stunning view of the sunset reflected on the river.

Contact us to go on a thrilling Boat Ride along the Albert Nile in Murchison Falls National Park.

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