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Lake Albert Uganda Safaris and Tours can be very exciting and adventurous. Boat cruises, Sport Fishing, Bird watching and sightseeing are some of the popular activities on Africa’s seventh- largest lake. The rift valley lake is surrounded by great escapements and well planned lake shore settlements.

Situated in the heart of Africa and the Western arm of the East African valley, on the border between Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo, Lake Albert is steadily growing to become a sought after water body in Uganda after Lake Victoria, George and Edward. Oil was discovered below the lake, and exploration activities are ongoing.

Lake Albert Uganda Safaris and Tours

Lake Albert, also known as Albert Nyanza and formerly named Mobutu Sese Seko, after former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo is the world’s twenty-seventh largest lake by volume with a width of 30 Kilometres and length of 160 Kilometers. Lake Albert was spotted in 1864 by Sir Samuel White Baker, who was looking for the source of the White Nile. He called it Albert Nyanza, after the recently deceased at the time, Prince Albert.

The breathtaking scenery of Rwenzori Mountains and Murchison – Semliki Landscape extension to the shores of the lake is a gift of nature The presence of Hippos, buffaloes, African elephants and bird species makes Lake Albert an ideal wildlife destination. The shores of Lake Albert harbor Bugungu Wildlife Reserve and the Bugoma Forest Reserve.

Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve on the eastern side of Lake Albert is an emerging tourist destination and can make a good stopover between Murchison and Kibale National Parks. It supports nature walks, bird watching, game drives and guided fossil hunting.

In order to access Lake Albert from the capital Kampala, visitors travel over 200 Km to Hoima, then connect 92 Km to the oil fields in Kaiso-Tonya Buseruka Sub County. However, other routes can also enable us access Lake Albert.

Contact us for more information about Lake Albert Uganda Safaris and Tours.

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