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Our Zanzibar Spice Tour takes you to explore the world famous spices from Zanzibar and a holiday to Zanzibar would be incomplete without a visit to the spice plantations.

The sultan of Oman first introduced these kinds of plantations on the island in 1873. You will be overwhelmed by the abundance of botanical species growing in these gardens; exotic spices, fruits and vegetables.

Zanzibar Spice Tour

Many of the spices have medicinal properties and are still used by the local population to cure certain maladies. Savour different spices, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, vanilla or black pepper. Taste a variety of fruits ranging from the rose apple to the guava.

Some rare plants like henna, perfume tree and lipstick tree are used for their value in preparing cosmetics.

Besides the visit to spice farm, the Kidichi Persian Baths, richly decorated with stuccowork, are also included in the trip.


Livingstone House:- Clients will pass at Livingstone House, outer look due to have government offices inside, the house was built around 1860 by Sultan Majid (Sultan from 1856-1870), was used as European missionaries and pioneers point. Then proceed to Maruhubi palace ruins: – Sultan Said Barghash constructed the palace between 1880 and 1882 as a harem to accommodate his concubines.

Enjoy this Zanzibar Spice Tour with African Pearl Safaris.

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